The IBEW Code of Excellence is IBEW construction members demonstrating pride in membership and instilled craftsmanship by leaving impressions of productivity and quality workmanship on every project we perform. It is IBEW members:
- Performing the highest quality and quantity of work.
- Utilizing skills and abilities to the maximum.
- Exercising safe and productive work practices.
The IBEW Code of Excellence is the IBEW construction members building a job right the first time, bringing it to completion on schedule and under budget, thus prompting our customers to again employ the IBEW on future projects.
The IBEW Code of Excellence is IBEW construction members collectively subscribing to, and pursuing, a higher standard of work ethics.
The IBEW Code of Excellence proclaims to all that IBEW construction members will:
Come to work on time,fit for duty and ready to work.
Obey recognized customer and employer work rules.
Demonstrate zero tolerance for alcohol and substance abuse.
Exercise proper safety, health and sanitation practices.
Own up to "8 for 8" and be on the job unless otherwise allowed or authorized to leave.
Follow safe, reasonable and legitimate management directives.
Encourage respect for customers rights and property, as well as, for others on the job.
exercise the skills and abilities of the trade.
Care for tools and equipment provided by the employer.
Eliminate waste and other forms of properly destruction, including graffiti.
Limit lunch and break times to allocated periods; adhere to start and quit times.
Leave inappropriate behavior to those of lessor knowledge.
Employ the properer tool for the job and maintain personal tool responsibilities.
Not solicit funds or sell merchandise without the business managers approval.
Curtail idle time and/or pursuit of personal business on the job, including cell phone use.
Expel job disruptions and refuse to engage in slowdowns or activities designed to extend the job or create overtime or any other conduct that would cast the IBEW in bad light.